Editorial Team

The Editorial Team at Perspectives on Terrorism is made up of the Steering Board, the Editor-in-Chief, the Co-Editors and the Managing Editor. The team is responsible for the thematic direction and academic quality of the journal. 

Sarah Carthy
Dr Sarah Louise Carthy
Leiden University Assistant Professor
Joachim Koops
Prof Joachim Koops
PT Steering Board Member, ISGA Professor
Thomas Renard
Dr Thomas Renard
PT Steering Board Chair, ICCT Director
Anna-Maria Andreeva
Anna-Maria Andreeva
PT Managing Editor, ICCT Publications Managing Editor, ICCT Junior Research Fellow
Tim Wilson
Prof Tim Wilson
PT Co-Editor, CSTPV Director
Alex Schmid
Prof em Alex Schmid
PT Co-Editor, ICCT Distinguished Fellow
Joana Cook
Dr Joana Cook
PT Co-Editor, ICCT Publications Editor-in-Chief, ISGA Assistant Professor
James Forest
Prof James Forest
PT Editor-in-Chief, UMass Lowell Professor, ICCT Distinguished Fellow