e.g. Gtd


Jihadi Casualty Database

The Jihadi Casualty Database, managed by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR), is an open-source database including information on terrorist events around the world from 1970 through 2020 (with annual updates planned for the future). Unlike many other event databases, the GTD includes systematic data on domestic as well as international terrorist incidents that have occurred during this time period and now includes more than 200,000 cases.


International Crimes Database

The International Crimes Database (ICD) website, hosted and maintained by the T.M.C. Asser Institute in The Hague and supported by the ICCT, offers a comprehensive database on international crimes adjudicated by national, as well as international and internationalised courts.


IntelCenter Database

The ICD is the most comprehensive open source counterterrorism database available today with more than 370 million data points on terrorist, rebel, proxy and separatist groups. The ICD contains 17 different database components covering raw terrorist materials such as video and audio releases, photos, graphics, magazines, books, training manuals and cyber tools as well as link analysis charts, dynamic maps, hostage data, terrorist messages, incident reports, terrorist logos, identity data, terrorist social media accounts, emails and phone numbers and more going back to the early 1990s. 


Global Terrorism Database

The Global Terrorism Database (GTD) is an open-source database including information on terrorist events worldwide from 1970 through 2020 (with annual updates planned for the future).


Foreign Terrorist Fighters Knowledge Hub

The Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) Knowledge Hub is a trusted source for quantitative and qualitative data on FTFs who travelled to Syria and Iraq in support of terrorist or violent extremist groups, and government responses to the FTF challenge. It is a valuable resource for policymakers, researchers, and media.


European Database of Terrorist Offenders

The European Database of Terrorist Offenders (EDT) is a research database comprising comprehensive judicial information on European terrorist and violent extremist offenders convicted from 2012 onwards.


Database on Interlinkages between Terrorism and International Crimes

ICCT has developed the Database on Interlinkages between Terrorism and International Crimes as a collection of cases in which terrorists have been tried for core international crimes, covering all countries where trials for terrorism and war crimes have occurred. The information gathered is being analysed to identify challenges, areas for development, and good practice in prosecuting individuals both for terrorism and for any other crimes they may have committed, including crimes against girls and women.


Database of Legislation on Definition of Terrorism

The Database of Legislation on Definition of Terrorism records countries’ legislation defining terrorism. Consequential penalties for committing or supporting acts of terrorism are also recorded. 


Countering Lone-Actor Database

The Countering Lone-Actor Terrorism Database (CLAT) recorded incidents of lone-actor terrorism in thirty European countries (EU, Norway and Switzerland).


ADL Centre for Antisemitism Research Database on Hate Symbols

This database provides an overview of many of the symbols most frequently used by a variety of white supremacist groups and movements, as well as some other types of hate groups. The ADL Center for Antisemitism Research is founded to focus on applied research and evaluation to test, measure and identify impact in the fight against this hatred. It aims to answer questions about how to quantify, understand and prevent antisemitism.