VOL. XIII:1, 2019 From Directorate of Intelligence to Directorate of Everything: The Islamic State’s Emergent Amni-Media Nexus Asaad Almohammad, Charlie Winter
VOL. XIII:1, 2019 The Islamic State’s Way of War in Iraq and Syria: From its Origins to the Post Caliphate Era Ahmed H. Hashim
VOL. XIV:5, 2020 Organizational Capacity and Constituency Dominance: Why Some Militant Groups Wage SustainedInsurgencies Michael Shkolnik
VOL. XIV:5, 2020 A Comparative Analysis of the Nature and Evolution of the Domestic Jihadist Threat to Australia andCanada (2000-2020) Shandon Harris-Hogan, Lorne L. Dawson , Amarnath Amarasingam
VOL. XIV:5, 2020 Structural Equation Modeling of Terrorism Perception: New Correlates of Perception Formation Niyazi Ekici, Huseyin Akdogan