Online Resources

The Online Resources contain information on databases, research institutes, podcasts, websites, and other relevant providers of counter-terrorism content. With these resources we hope to help our readers expand their knowledge and access latest research in the field of CT. The list of Online Resources is regularly updated.

Think Tanks and Research Centres

Centre for Asymmetric Threats and Terrorist Studies

The Centre for Asymmetric Threats and Terrorist Studies (CATS) is a national center within the Swedish Defence University tasked with developing and disseminating knowledge about asymmetric threats within the context of societal security and resilience. Through research, analysis and training, CATS concentrates on terrorism and intelligence studies, as well as cyber and influence operation.

Think Tanks and Research Centres

International Institute for Justice and Rule of Law

The International Institute for Justice and Rule of Law (IIJ) pursues its mission by designing and delivering tailored capacity-building programmes and activities that help governments and practitioners address – in a practical, effective and collaborative manner – the evolving and multifaceted nature of contemporary terrorism and related transnational crime. The Institute addresses issues of rule of law responses to terrorism and impunity related to terrorism-related offences. 

Think Tanks and Research Centres

TMC Asser Institute

The T.M.C. Asser Institute conducts fundamental and independent policy-oriented research and organises critical and constructive reflection on international and European legal developments, at the interface of academia, legal practice and governance. TMC Asser investigates issues of counter-terrorism related to the rule of law and capacity building through publications, events and specialised training. 

Think Tanks and Research Centres

Centre for Strategic International Studies

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a bipartisan, non-profit policy research organisation dedicated to advancing practical ideas to address the world’s greatest challenges. CSIS offers projects and publications on patterns in global terrorism and the evolution of CT practices today. 

Think Tanks and Research Centres

International Crisis Group

The International Crisis Group is an independent organisation working to prevent wars and shape policies to build a more peaceful world. They engage directly with various conflict actors to seek and share information and encourage intelligent action for peace. Their work informs counter-terrorism experts for policy discussions, highlights opportunities for effective early action, guides media coverage and draws attention to under-reported conflicts and humanitarian emergencies. 

Think Tanks and Research Centres

Institute for International & Strategic Studies (IISS)

For 65 years, the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) has helped to shape the strategic agenda for governments, businesses, the media and experts across the world. We earn our revenue from the sale of our databases and publications, host-nation support for conferences, corporate sponsorship, research work, consultancy, and donations from private individuals and foundations.

Think Tanks and Research Centres

Centre for the Prevention of Violence of Radicalisation Leading to Violence

The Centre for the Prevention of Violence of Radicalisation  Leading to Violence (CPRLV) is the first independent non-profit organisation aimed at preventing radicalisation leading to violence and hate-motivated acts by educating, mobilising and supporting the people of Montreal and Quebec in a community-based approach that is deployed in order to take pre-emptive action, oriented towards accessibility for all, in collaboration with partners from all backgrounds and rooted in both scientific and practical expertise.

Think Tanks and Research Centres

Institute for Security and Global Affairs

The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) focuses on multidisciplinary research and education within the international scientific field of security studies. The Institute analyses and studies issues coherently from their local, transnational, and global impact. ISGA offers expertise in cyber security, terrorism and political violence, intelligence and security, and crisis governance. 

Think Tanks and Research Centres

Center on Terrorism, Extremism and Counterterrorism

As a research center, CTEC applies advanced analytical approaches to deepen academic, tech, and policymakers' understanding of challenging emergent extremist threats. As an academic institution, CTEC mentors and prepares students to be the next generation of analysts, researchers and practitioners.