Online Resources

The Online Resources contain information on databases, research institutes, podcasts, websites, and other relevant providers of counter-terrorism content. With these resources we hope to help our readers expand their knowledge and access latest research in the field of CT. The list of Online Resources is regularly updated.

Think Tanks and Research Centres

Center for International Security and Cooperation

The Center for International Security and Cooperation tackles the most critical security issues in the world today by bringing together leading scholars in the social and natural sciences to collaborate across disciplines and professional backgrounds. Its Middle-East Initiative, European Security Initiative and Mapping of Militant Organisations cover a wide array of CT-related topics through publications and interactable databases. 

Think Tanks and Research Centres

European Institute for Counter-Terrorism and Conflict Prevention

The European Institute for Counter-Terrorism and Conflict Preventions deals with Europe's central security policy challenges. As a worldwide network of internationally active terrorism and hybrid conflicts are a growing threat, EICTP devotes itself to in-depth analyses and studies of such uncertainty scenarios and wants to contribute well-founded strategies and solution scenarios actively.

Think Tanks and Research Centres

Resolve Network

The RESOLVE Network is a global consortium of researchers, research organisations, policymakers and practitioners committed to empirically-driven, locally-defined research on the drivers of violent extremism and sources of community resilience. International stakeholders established RESOLVE to generate, facilitate, aggregate, and synthesise methodologically sound, locally informed research on the dynamics of violent extremism

Think Tanks and Research Centres

Center for Defence and Security Studies

The Center for Defence and Security Studies (CDSS) aims to advance knowledge, understanding, and debate on defence and security issues in Canada through an active research, teaching, and outreach programme. The CDSS advances knowledge, understanding, and debate on defence and security issues through research, teaching, outreach on terrorism, and more. 

Think Tanks and Research Centres

French Institue for International Strategic Affairs

The French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS) is one of the leading independent European think tanks on geopolitical and strategic studies. IRIS activities can be divided into four fields: research, organisation of events and meetings, publishing and training, and many IRIS projects and publications deal with issues of counter-terrorism, radicalisation, defence policy and violent extremism. 

Think Tanks and Research Centres

Royal Institute Elcano

The mission of the Elcano Royal Institute is to contribute to innovative, robust, inclusive and informed responses to global challenges and governance and to analyse the role of Spain in the world, with a particular emphasis on its position in Europe. The Elcano Royal Institute organises roundtables, conferences and events on issues related to counter-terrorism. 

Think Tanks and Research Centres

Center for Conflict and Peace Studies

The Centre for Conflict and Peace Studies (CAPS) is an independent research and advocacy centre dedicated to the creation of a sustainable environment that can support peace and stability in Afghanistan. The organisation’s primary goals are (1) to build local capacity and expertise, (2) to facilitate the Afghan government in promoting better governance and state-building measures, and (3) to assist the international community in collaborating and coordinating perspectives on issues affecting Afghanistan.

Think Tanks and Research Centres

Global Center on Cooperative Security

The Global Center works to achieve lasting security by advancing inclusive, human rights-based policies, partnerships, and practices to address the root causes of violent extremism. The centre focuses on four mutually reinforcing objectives: (1) Supporting communities in addressing the drivers of conflict and violent

Think Tanks and Research Centres

Royal United Services Institute

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) is a defence and security think tank. Its mission is to inform, influence and enhance public debate on a safer and more stable world. RUSI is a research-led institute, producing independent, practical and innovative analysis to address today’s complex challenges. Through research papers, news briefs and commentaries, RUSI regularly publishes content on counter-terrorism.