VOL. VIII:1, 2014 Evidence-Based Counterterrorism or Flying Blind? How to Understand and Achieve What Works Rebecca Freese
VOL. VIII:1, 2014 Analysing Terrorism from a Systems Thinking Perspective Lukas Schoenenberger, Andrea Schenker-Wicki , Mathias Beck
VOL. VIII:1, 2014 Perspectives on Counterterrorism: From Stovepipes to a Comprehensive Approach Ronald Crelinsten
VOL. IX:6, 2015 Radical Groups’ Social Pressure Towards Defectors. The Case of Right-Wing Extremist Groups Daniel Koehler
VOL. IX:6, 2015 The Evolution of Al Qaeda’s Global Network and Al Qaeda Core’s Position Within it: A Network Analysis Victoria Barber
VOL. IX:5, 2015 Countering the (Re-) Production of Militancy in Indonesia: between Coercion and Persuasion Paul J. Carnegie
VOL. IX:5, 2015 Radicalisation to Terrorism in Kenya and Uganda: a Political Socialisation Perspective Anneli Botha