VOL. X:6, 2016 Why States Fail to Counter Foreign Fighter Mobilizations: The Role of Intelligence Services Timothy Holman
VOL. X:6, 2016 The French "Iraqi Networks" of the 2000s: Matrix of the 2015 Terrorist Attacks? Jean Pierre Filiu
VOL. X:6, 2016 Terrorism and Beyond: Exploring the Fallout of the European Foreign Fighter Phenomenon in Syria and Iraq Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn
VOL. X:6, 2016 Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq and the Socio-Economic Environment They Faced at Home: A Comparison of European Countries Philip Verwimp
VOL. X:6, 2016 “I Just Said It. The State”: Examining the Motivations for Danish Foreign Fighting in Syria Jakob Sheikh
VOL. X:6, 2016 IS and the Jihadist Information Highway – Projecting Influence and Religious Identity via Telegram Nico Prucha
VOL. X:6, 2016 With a Little Help from my Friends: an Exploration of the Tactical Use of Single-Actor Terrorism by the Islamic State Clare Ellis