VOL. IX:4, 2015 Let Them Rot. The Challenges and Opportunities of Containing rather than Countering the Islamic State Clint Watts
VOL. IX:4, 2015 The Islamic State’s Eastern Frontier Ramadi and Fallujah as Theaters of Sectarian Conflict Kirk H. Sowell
VOL. IX:4, 2015 The Evolution in Islamic State Administration. The Documentary Evidence Aymenn al-Tamimi
VOL. IX:4, 2015 Social Media, Recruitment, Allegiance and the Islamic State Scott Gates, Sukanya Podder
VOL. IX:4, 2015 Picture Or It Didn’t Happen. A Snapshot of the Islamic State’s Official Media Output Aaron Y. Zelin
VOL. IX:4, 2015 The Metronome of Apocalyptic Time: Social Media as Carrier Wave for Millenarian Contagion J.M. Berger
VOL. IX:4, 2015 Heirs of Zarqawi or Saddam. The relationship between al-Qaida in Iraq and the Islamic State Truls Hallberg Tønnessen