Online Resources
The Online Resources contain information on databases, research institutes, podcasts, websites, and other relevant providers of counter-terrorism content. With these resources we hope to help our readers expand their knowledge and access latest research in the field of CT. The list of Online Resources is regularly updated.
Academic Journals
Journal of Strategic Studies
The Journal of Strategic Security (JSS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed professional journal published quarterly by Henley-Putnam School of Strategic Security with support from the University of South Florida Libraries. The Journal provides a multi-disciplinary forum for scholarship and discussion of strategic security issues drawing from the fields of global security, international relations, intelligence, terrorism and counterterrorism studies, among others.
Academic Journals
Perspectives on Terrorism
Perspectives on Terrorism (PT) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal. PT is a publication of the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT), in partnership with the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) at Leiden University and the Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV) at the University of St Andrews.
Academic Journals
RUSI Journal
The RUSI Journal is a leading journal on defence and security. First published in 1857, it brings together scholars, decision-makers and practitioners in a unique forum that combines academic rigour with policy relevance.
Academic Journals
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism aim to cast new light on the origins and implications of conflict in the 21st Century and to illuminate new approaches and solutions to countering the growth and escalation of contemporary sub-state violence. The journal is specifically oriented to both practitioner and scholarly audiences and is thus meant to bridge the divide between theory and practice.
Academic Journals
Behavioural Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression
The Behavioural Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression Journal addresses the complex causation and effects of terrorist activity by bringing together timely, scientifically and theoretically sound papers addressing terrorism from a behavioural science perspective.
Academic Journals
Terrorism & Political Violence
Terrorism and Political Violence advances scholarship on a broad range of issues associated with terrorism and political violence. The journal draws upon many disciplines, and theoretical perspectives as well as comparative approaches to provide some of the most groundbreaking work in a field that has hitherto lacked rigour.
Academic Journals
Combating Terrorism Exchange
Combating Terrorism Exchange (CTX) is a quarterly peer-reviewed online journal that publishes first-hand accounts and analyses written by special operations personnel, as well as discussions of policy, trends, and operations written by government officials, researchers, CT professionals, and investigative journalists on five continents.
Academic Journals
Critical Studies on Terrorism
The Critical Studies on Terrorism is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal. The journal seeks to publish quality research on all aspects of terrorism, counter-terrorism and state terror.
International Organisations
Eurojust assists prosecutors and other investigators from EU Member States in cases of serious crime where that crime affects two or more Member States or requires prosecution on common bases, based on operations conducted and information supplied by the Member States’ authorities, by Europol, by the EPPO and by OLAF.